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Edibles And Concentrates Are Red-Hot, According To Latest Numbers![]() |
Colorado's legal cannabis sales continue to smash records, mainly because of the increased interest in concentrates and edibles. Dispensary sales in April surged by 58 percent over the same period previous year, according to Boulder-based BDS Analytics. |
marijuana, Colorado, Edibles | |
Overview of Major Issues Regarding the Impacts of Alcohol and Marijuana on Driving |
As part of a project funded by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, this document provides an overview of issues related to marijuana consumption, driving impairment and blood testing as well as the potential impacts of social and legal factors. Comparisons are made to alcohol to provide a point of reference. This |
Alcohol, marijuana, driving | |
Sentiment still mixed as some celebrate 4/20![]() |
No2pot, marijuana | ||
Think twice before passing medical marijuana laws |
State after state is legalizing medical marijuana, but doctors and patient groups aren’t demanding these laws. The AMA doesn’t want them, nor does the American Cancer Society. The American Academy of Pediatrics is against medical marijuana and the Glaucoma Foundation warns patients not to use it. Prescription cannabinoids are also much less likely to be abused or diverted to teenage use. And they’re more long acting, which is good for genuine patients who don’t want to be stoned all the time. So there’s no reason for anyone to smoke marijuana. The main people who benefit from medical marijuana laws are people who want to get high or who want to sell the drug. |
marijuana, Not Medicine |
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