Hillsborough County Anti Drug Alliance (HCADA) has been in existence, active in the community, and supportive of law enforcement, the court system, prevention agencies, and substance abuse treatment providers since its inception in 1989. In 2003, HCADA restructured as a 501(c)(3) in order to apply for grant funding and subsequently, expanded its community-based alcohol, tobacco, and substance abuse education and prevention activities, as well as participation in the development of related planning strategies – statewide in scope – for the betterment of the Hillsborough County community.
Work through HCADA Task Forces includes: addressing alcohol issues on college campuses; supporting passage of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Legislation; preventing underage drinking and impaired driving; supporting responsible vendor training regarding alcohol and “safe rides” programs; working in the areas of smoking prevention, cessation, second hand smoke, smoking effects on pets, smoking in multi-unit housing, retail sales to minors, and support for Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) clubs in middle-and high schools, reaching 3,000+ students during the school year; opposing legislation to legalize marijuana; and providing volunteers to assist the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) during its “Drug Take Back Days.” HCADA offers open membership and participation to all interested individuals andcontinues to provide a public forum for sharing information and new ideas.
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