Thank you Ellen for your years of dedication to our community. You have made Hillsborough and beyond a safer and better place to live.
Title | Desription | Category | Tags | |
2021 Sept Tampa Alcohol Coalition Meeting | Alcohol | TAC | ||
TAC Meeting November Meeting 2020 | Alcohol, Article | TAC | ||
Ask, Listen, Learn |
Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix empowers kids to say “YES” to a healthy lifestyle and “NO” to underage drinking. The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (, a national not-for-profit dedicated to fighting drunk driving and underage drinking, developed Ask, Listen, Learn alongside a team of educators and organizations specializing in middle school-aged students. This multimedia program continues’s longstanding commitment to American youth, and provides kids with the necessary tools to make healthy lifestyle choices while also teaching them about the dangers of underage drinking. Ask, Listen, Learn provides youth ages 9-12, their parents and educators with information about the dangers of underage drinking. In 2016, Ask, Listen, Learn launched science-based digital resources – including seven animated videos and lesson plans – that take kids on a journey through the developing brain, teaching them what the brain does, what alcohol does to it, and what that does to you. Teachers and parents can now feel equipped with the facts and tools to have a substantive and powerful conversation about the dangers of underage drinking. |
Alcohol, Infographics, Parents, Professional, Programs Educational Material, Youth | ||
Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility |
We are proud to celebrate the innovative contributions we have made for 25 years and we attribute our success to the support, encouragement, and commitment from our member companies, partners, advisory board, and the millions of teachers, parents, and kids across the country who use and share our programs. We look forward to continued progress in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking for a safer and healthier America. We know that individuals making a true impact will help us all move towards this goal. |
Alcohol, Infographics, Parents, Programs Educational Material | Students, Teachers, Interactive Maps, Legislation | |
Alcohol Use Facts |
Infographic and information on signs of abuse |
Alcohol, Infographics | ||
Alcohol and Aging |
Alcohol is a major part of the culture of the United States. In 2014, alcohol sales—which include beer, wine, liquor, and other alcoholic beverages—totaled nearly $225 billion. The following year, more than 15 million Americans over the age of 18 reported having Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), known more commonly as alcoholism. That number reaches even higher among people who haven’t reported the disease or have yet to see a doctor for a diagnosis. |
Alcohol | ||
Safe Ride America | Alcohol | Transportation | ||
Mixing Alcohol and Medicine | Alcohol, Article | NIAAA | ||
Underaged Drinking Series | Alcohol, Video | SAMHSA | ||
TooSmartToStart | Alcohol | |||
National Highway Safety Traffic Administration | Alcohol | |||
Prevention Center Research | Alcohol | |||
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | Alcohol | NIAAA | ||
Alcohol and your Brain | Alcohol, Video | |||
Stop Drugged Driving |
While there are effective public health and public safety messages about the dangers of drunk driving, there is little public knowledge of the threat to highway safety of drugged driving. Rates of drunk driving in the United States have declined dramatically, supported by effective laws, strong enforcement and widespread education. This public safety and public health success can be further improved by new efforts focused on drugged driving. |
Alcohol | ||
Rethink Drinking- Alcohol and Health |
Many people are surprised to learn what counts as a drink. In the United States, a "standard" drink is any drink that contains about 0.6 fluid ounces or 14 grams of "pure" alcohol. Although the drinks pictured here are different sizes, each contains approximately the same amount of alcohol and counts as a single standard drink. |
Alcohol, Parents | ||
Alcohol- Drug Information | Alcohol, All Drug Information, Article | Drug Information | ||
Alcohol and Public Health- CDC | Alcohol, Article | CDC | ||
2018 5 Hillsborough County Alcohol Facts |
2017 Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Central Breath Testing Data |
Alcohol, Article | ||
Drinking, drugs are most dangerous things college students face |
“A lot of people my age didn't realize I had a problem. Because I wasn't using certain drugs, because I wasn't drinking early in the morning or doing the 'typical' alcoholic stereotypes,” said Pollard. |
Alcohol, Article, Parents | ||
2016 Hillsborough County Alcohol Facts |
2016 Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Central Breath Testing Data
Alcohol | ||
Alcohol Laws by State | Alcohol | |||
Updated June 14, 2013 Thirty states have statutory provisions that allow licensed establishments such as restaurants, bars, and liquor stores to be held liable for selling or serving alcohol to individuals who cause injuries or death as a result of their intoxication. |
Alcohol | Dram Act | |
2015 Traffic Crash Facts |
2015 Stats: Hillsborough County reported 66 alcohol crash fatalities up from 56 in 2014 (17.86% increase) This is the highest number of fatalities in the state. #2 Orange and Duval both 55, #3 Miami Dade 53 Hillsborough also #1 in alcohol-related injuries: 993 and #1 alcohol related-crashes: 1,469 |
Alcohol, Community, Reports | fatalities, car crashes, injuries | |
HEALTHY ALCOHOL MARKETPLACE Balancing public safety and business needs |
The Campaign for a Healthy Alcohol Marketplace was born from the realization of a former alcohol regulator, Pamela Erickson, that we could lose a good regulatory system out of ignorance. |
Alcohol | ||
Sobering UP |
Information, infographics, videos on drunk driving, societies costs, alcohol addiction... |
Addiction, Alcohol, Infographics, Video | ||
MADD – Power of Parents: Talking with Teens about Alcohol |
For families struggling with how to address underage drinking, MADD’s Power of Parents High School Handbook and Power of Parents Middle School Handbook give parents the tools to start the conversation, set family rules and enforce consequences; includes free 15-minute online workshops with tips and tools for parents on how to talk with their children about alcohol. |
Alcohol, Parents |
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