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2022 Delta-8 Legal High- POWERPOINT |
Excellent powerpoint.
Delta-8, Snelling | |
5 Things Everyone (Parents, children, grandparents, employees, business owners....) should know about Delta-8 | Delta-8 | ||
Delta-8 Educational Handout |
Great information! Delta-8 THC products have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA for safe use. They may be marketed in ways that put the public health at risk and should be kept out of reach of children and pets. |
Delta-8 | |
Hillsborough commissioners to discuss regulating sale of Delta 8 products |
Delta 8 is said to be about two-thirds as potent as cannabis, and it's often sold in gas stations and smoke shops. It's legal thanks to a loophole created in the 2018 Federal Farm Bill. The Hillsborough report found half of the edibles, including Delta 8 cereals, used cartoon characters and animals that might be appealing to minors. Ellen Snelling, a board member of the Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance, has been wanting commissioners to act. "It’s completely unregulated, fruit flavors, gummy bears. Bright colors attracted to children all allowed in the state of Florida. If this was laying on your dining room table a child would eat the entire package," she told commissioners at a previous meeting.
Delta-8, Snelling, HCADA Interview | |
Potent drugs packaged like candy, legally sold in Florida sparks calls for stricter rules![]() |
TAMPA, Fla. — Products from cake pops to candy containing a chemical compound called Delta 8 are being sold legally in Florida without a prescription and with the goal of getting people high. The I-Team has uncovered these products have caused hospitalizations and at least one death, sparking calls in Hillsborough County for better regulation of these products. “It’s candy with drugs in it sold in your convenience store,” said Ellen Snelling, who chairs the Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance. She recently took packages of candy that looked like popular brands, including Skittles, Nerds and gummy bears. |
Snelling, Delta-8 | |
Street Smart Prevention- Promoting Young Healthy People![]() |
Excellent information... on addiction, currents trends, what to look for... RESOUCES. |
Delta-8 | |
‘Operation Kandy Krush’ finds illegal hemp products aimed at kids |
Ellen Snelling speaks up for our families and children! |
Delta-8, HCADA Interview |
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