Website | Article Date | Summary | Tags |
Mixing Alcohol and Medicine | 06/03/2018 | Alcohol, Article, NIAAA | |
2018 Marijuana in Colorado Volume 5 | 09/12/2018 | Article, Marijuana | |
09/30/2018 | |||
2019 4 HCADA Drug Take Back- Gary | 04/28/2019 | Article, HCADA Interview | |
06/16/2019 |
Statistics: |
Article, Parents | |
The Relationship Between Video Games and Anxiety | 08/16/2019 |
Do video games cause anxiety? This is a common question without an easy yes-or-no answer. Researchers haven’t found evidence that video games cause anxiety directly; instead, studies continue to show that video games and anxiety are correlated. This means that, rather than having a cause-and-effect relationship, the two relate and contribute to each other. |
Addiction, Article, Video games |
Teen Warning Signs | 10/09/2019 | Article, Mental Health, Front Page Slideshow | |
Recent Study Links Teen Vaping and Delinquent Behavior | 10/24/2019 |
Vaping is not an issue only for high school students. Gary White, the associate director of the Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance (HCADA) in Florida, provides vaping and tobacco education to students who have been cited per state statutes. The youngest student he has worked with was only nine. Recently, the organization worked with a 10-year-old boy who had been caught with 12 Juuls in school. (Juul is a popular brand of e-cigarette.) “When he attended our class, we questioned why he had so many Juuls,” says White. “His reply was, ‘A man at my apartment gave them to me. He said he’d pay me a part of the money I made when I sold them.’ |
Article, HCADA Interview, vaping, Youth |
Tips for a Safe, Drug-free Homecoming Season | 10/24/2019 |
Denise Birungi Evans of HCADA offers tips for a safe, drug-free homecoming season for high school students.
Article, HCADA Interview, Video, Video |
What You Need to Know About E-Cigarettes | 11/24/2019 |
E-Cigarettes Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are tobacco products that have been sold in the U.S. for about a decade. They include e-pens, e-pipes, e-hookah, and e-cigars, known collectively as ENDS—electronic nicotine delivery systems. They're also sometimes called JUULs, "vapes" and "vape pens." E-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco products among kids—and it's become an epidemic. |
Article, vaping |
Vaping Additional Information and Resources | 11/24/2019 |
Vaping Among Teens Vaping devices are popular among teens and are now the most commonly used form of nicotine among youth in the United States. Some research shows that many teens do not even realize that vaping cartridges contain nicotine, and assume the pods contain only flavoring. The easy availability of these devices, alluring advertisements, various e-liquid flavors, and the belief that they're safer than cigarettes have helped make them appealing to this age group. In addition, they are easy to hide from teachers and parents because they do not leave behind the stench of tobacco cigarettes, and are often disguised as flash drives. NIDA- National Institute of Drug Abuse |
Article, vaping |
TAC Meeting November Meeting 2020 | 12/16/2020 | Alcohol, Article, TAC, Tampa Alcohol Coalition | |
Mother loses son to drugs, pursues passion to help others | 12/17/2020 |
TAMPA, Fla. - Cindy Grant grew up among a large family of lobster fishermen, but after moving to Tampa she suffered an unimaginable tragedy. Now she has dedicated her life to helping others overcome substance abuse.
Article, HCADA Interview |
Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance joins partner agency ACTS | 07/16/2021 |
TAMPA, Fla. (June 30, 2021) – Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance (HCADA), a community-based nonprofit offering alcohol, tobacco and substance abuse education and prevention activities since 2003, is excited to announce its relocation, effective July 1, 2021. HCADA will be moving from its current location at 2815 E. Henry Avenue, Suite B-1 in Tampa to new office space on the campus of their longtime partner organization, Agency for Community Treatment Services, Inc. (ACTS), at 4612 North 56th Street. “We’re excited about the move,” said Executive Director Cindy Grant, “and very grateful to ACTS not only for the space but also for our many years of partnership in substance abuse education and prevention.” |
Article, HCADA Interview |
2021 Sept Tampa Alcohol Coalition Meeting | 09/21/2021 | Alcohol, TAC |
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